Halloween is upon us, which means it’s the perfect time to get your horror movie fix and scare yourself silly with some old-school horror movies that have stood the test of time.
There are many ways in which horror movies can scare you, without all the blood and guts, as some horror movies on this list will frighten you in psychological ways that will linger in your mind long after you’ve seen them.
Although these cult classics were made many years ago, (without the latest special effects) – it’s these movies that have managed to create a horrifying atmosphere and flavor of their own, that still leads the way in the horror genre with the help of memorable characters – concepts – and music that could only be produced in the 70s and 80s!
Let’s kick-off and celebrate Halloween with 12 old-school horror movies that are still SCARY AF!
Warning: Be prepared to sleep with one eye open.
#1. Don’t Look Now (1973)
Who: Julie Christine, Donald Sutherland.
A married couple travels to Venice after the sudden death of their young daughter and meets a clairvoyant who tells them that their daughter is trying to contact them and warn them of danger.
Don’t Look Now was one of the first films I studied while studying film, and its opening scene is one I still vividly remember to this day. This is not a classic slasher film that will scare you through blood and gore, but an intelligent and thrilling film that will get beneath your skin and unsettle your core, while it explores the frightening emotion of grief.
Scare Factor: 7/10
#2. Jaws (1975)
Who: Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss.
This classic horror and ultimate shark film directed by Steven Spielberg needs no introduction. Jaws is the 17th highest-grossing film in the US which made 470.7 million dollars, with an original budget of 9 million!
Watching Jaws as a child was probably not a good idea, as it was the reason why I didn’t swim out in the deep ocean waters (or to take a bath for that matter), as every time I did, all I heard in my head was the unforgettable theme song and a vision of a sharks fin making its way to gobble me up.
In my opinion, no shark movie could even come close to the scare factor that this old-school horror movie provides, even if it does have the most expensive CGI.
Scare Factor: 9/10
#3. Children Of The Corn (1984)
Who: Linda Hamilton, Peter Horton, R. G. Armstrong.
The movie that made cornfields and children CREEPY! Based on a Stephen King story, where a couple goes on vacation to save their marriage, and on their way through a rural town they accidentally run over a boy who has his throat split. Trying to find a police station to report the incident, they find a small ghost town where a gang of children has taken over.
This old-school horror movie definitely provides some scares. However, it’s not the most watchable on the list as the special effects at times are cringeworthy, and the violence is overly gory to the point where it’s disturbing. (Religious aspects may also offend some people.)
Overall, it’s still a horror classic that has a following. The children are genuinely creepy and the soundtrack created a horrifying atmosphere!
Scare Factor: 6.5/10
#4. Nightmare On Elm Sreet (1984)
Who: Johnny Depp, Robert Englund.
This famous old-school horror written and directed by Wes Craven is a creepy piece of cinema that will haunt you in your dreams. The atmosphere is dark, chilling, and scary as hell! The villain Freddy Krueger who has a gloved hand made out of razors murders his victims in their sleep. This concept is clever and terrifying, and will make you not want to sleep for a week! Definitely, a cult classic to watch for the die-hard horror fans.
Scare Factor: 8/10
#5. Halloween (1978)
Who: Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence.
The all-time horror movie to watch this coming Halloween if you like slasher movies is, of course, Halloween! This freaky story by John Carpenter tells the tale of a six-year-old Michael Myers who murders his older sister and gets incarcerated in a mental institution. Fast forward 15 years later, on the night of Halloween, he’s on the hunt again, and this time for a high school student (played by Jamie Lee Curtis) as his prey!
This low-budget horror has proved the test of time, due to the iconic character Michael Myers who wears a creepy mask and creates pure fear by his suspenseful and silent kills.
Everything you need in a cult classic slasher movie, including scares, screaming, suspense, blood and a scary as hell villain are all in this movie!
Scare Factor: 8.5/10
#6. The Shinning (1980)
Who: Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall.
This is one of the many legendary Stanley Kubricks masterpieces that I never get tired of watching. The movie is centered around the Torrances, who travel to an isolated hotel for the winter where a sinister force takes over the father and makes him behave violently. Meanwhile, his son Danny possesses psychic abilities that enable him to see the hotel’s horrific past.
This old-school horror is known for the classic quote of Jack Nicholson’s character – “Here’s Johnny!” and the movie opens with exceptional cinemaphotography that only Kubrick at that time could capture.
Nicolson and Duvall gave haunting and exceptional performances, however, it was the stand-out performance for by actor Danny Lloyd who played the son who stole the movie.
There are so many elements in this movie that make this one of the top horror movies to watch and it’s also one of the most analyzed films where conspiracy theorists claim there are hidden symbolic messages that include the moon landing, the holocaust, and child pedophilia.
Watch the popular documentary Room 237, to dive into the fascinating world of The Shining.
Scare Factor: 8/10
#7. Rosemarys Baby (1968)
Who: Mia Farrow, Sidney Blackmer.
Rosemary’s Baby is another film I have previously studied, and it wasn’t until later in life I really appreciated it. It’s a story about a married couple who move into a new apartment building and are befriended by some strange people. Soon after moving in the woman becomes pregnant and thinks the baby is not from this world.
The director Roman Polanski does a great job of building suspense and intrigue. The plotline is different, and by the end, you are left thinking WTF! One of the themes explored is the occult which I found very interesting, but if you’re looking for screams, blood, and gore, then this might not be for you. However, if you want a psychological and twisted ride, then this should get you hooked until the end.
Scare Factor: 7/10
#8. The Exorcist (1973)
Who: Ellen Burstyn, Jason Miller, Linda Blair.
A young girl becomes possessed and her only hope is a priest and an exorcism.
Arguably one of the most famous horror movies of all time and the best exorcism movie there is! Memorable scenes like the girl walking backward on the stairs, and the girl’s head spinning around, are cult classic scenes that helped this movie become a horror sensation.
After watching this movie, you might want to sleep with a bible! 😉
Scare Factor: 8.5/10
#9. Carrie (1976)
Who: Sissy Spacek, John Travolta.
Stephen King does it again in this adaptation directed by Brian De Palma where a withdrawn teenage girl called Carrie is bullied and retaliates with her supernatural powers.
There are some iconic scenes in this movie that will stay with you long after you’ve seen it. Although it’s a horror, I found it to be very sad as the main character Carrie (played by the amazing Sissy Spacek) is not only bullied by her peers but her Mother as well; and as for the ending- tragic!
Scare Factor: 6.5/10
#10. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Who: Sally Hardesty, Drayton Sawyer.
Here’s another classic slasher horror movie where the villain is after blood and guts! This leather face who wears a mask made out of human skin uses a chainsaw as his killing device.
This might be a low-budget horror made in the ’70s but it doesn’t skip on the scare factor, as the tone is gritty, raw, and bloody frightening! Like hello, it’s a scary man running after you with a chainsaw! So, Scary.
Scare Factor: 8.5/10
#11. Childs Play (1988)
Who: Catherine Hicks, Brad Dourif.
The concept of a dying murderer who uses black magic to transfer his soul into a doll named Chucky is an original concept that is undeniably scary and would make one be put off dolls for life!
Childs Play is the king of killer doll movies, but watching it again in 2019 I have to admit at times I didn’t know whether to laugh or turn it off because I was watching a creepy red-headed doll murder people. But if a good old horror movie with blood, originality, and entertainment value is what you want, then this might just be a winner!
Scare Factor: 7/10
#12. Poltergeist (1982)
Who: Heather O’Rourke, Craig T. Nelson.
“They’re Here!” is the famous line from actress Heather O’Rourke as she warns her family of the evil spirits that haunt them. Directed by Steven Spielberg, this supernatural horror leads the way in the haunted house genre and provides some eery and haunting scares.
Scare Factor: 7/10
Tell us your favorite old-school horror movies below!

Emmy is the founder and content writer at woopdedo. With a background in the performing arts, she then had a career working on cruise ships, until she decided to return to NZ where she spends most of her time storytelling and freelance writing. You can contact her on the social media links below or visit the work with us page.