It’s not all about the money honey! With some creativity and preparation, dating doesn’t need to be an expensive experience. Dating on a budget doesn’t mean a date will be less romantic, or the date will think you are being a tight ass. It should show that you are using your imagination and being innovated. Whether you prefer to eat at a restaurant or go to the theatre, remember there are always cheaper date options that won’t break the bank, and can be just as fulfilling.
Sometimes less is more, and the important thing is that you spend quality time together and have fun getting to know each other. (Naww)
There are numerous ways for you to have a great date without overspending, which range from being completely free to relatively low -cost!
Below are 18 Simple date ideas that won’t break the bank!
Those are our 18 simple date ideas that won’t break the bank! If you want to know what not to do on a date, read 10 things not to do on a first date.
What are some date ideas that you have done that don’t break the bank?

Emmy is the founder and content writer at woopdedo. With a background in the performing arts, she then had a career working on cruise ships, until she decided to return to NZ where she spends most of her time storytelling and freelance writing. You can contact her on the social media links below or visit the work with us page.