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7 SHOCKING Coronavirus Conspiracies That Could Be True

Update: Due to increased censorship, many of the videos linked below have now been taken down. Sorry for any inconvenience.

The coronavirus epidemic has brought the world into mass quarantine, where social distancing is policed and, if not obeyed, can get you a hefty fine or even jail time; collecting your own mail or going to the local supermarket could bring on an anxiety attack, and grabbing the last pack of toilet rolls could get your ass kicked!

People are losing their jobs and businesses, and some are even losing loved ones. Undoubtedly, this is a serious situation that will change the world as we know it.

However, with such a sudden global outbreak, some will naturally question many aspects of what is going on behind the curtains. These questions can easily be labelled as conspiracy theories made up by people who wear tinfoil hats and watch reruns of the X-Files.

However, the conspiracy/truth movement is rapidly becoming popular among all walks of life, including established doctors, scientists and thought leaders. More and more people are waking up to the big game of snakes and ladders we live in.

Sadly, the public, through contrasting opinions, is easily divided and is quick to turn on each other if one doesn’t share the same opinion. Of course, it pays to discern what information you consume and where the original sources come from (including this article), as even the mainstream media warn against misinformation.

BUT what if the mainstream media are the ones misinforming us?

Suppose all we do is consume the mainstream media. In that case, we are leaving a lot of suppressed information on the table that could help us gain valuable information that would most likely not be shown through the mainstream media in the first place.

The following coronavirus conspiracies are unlikely to make it to mainstream media. Ultimately, they are just conspiracy theories, but for the purpose of this article, I have attached links to relevant videos that may support these theories.

The rest is up to you to decide.

#1. Coronavirus was bioengineered in a lab

Some conspiracy theorists suggest that coronavirus is a bioweapon manufactured in a lab.

But where is this lab?

Well, it depends on what theory you buy into (if you do at all). One lab is claimed to be in Wuhan, where the outbreak originated, and some rumours claim that the virus was manufactured in the US.

The New York Times also reported that China may think the US Army brought it over when they visited Wuhan in October. However, President Donald Trump insists it originated in China.

The main cause circulating around the web is that it originated through bats in Wuhan at a live animal market. But can this virus originate from an animal?

Must-watch video:

Dr. Rashid Buttar goes into detail and gives evidence that the coronavirus isn’t a natural virus that can’t be passed on from any animal.


#2.  Cashless society


Although minimalizing the use of cash may be a good idea during this time, conspiracy theorists suggest that this fear-mongering is the perfect way to promote and usher in a cashless society.

This conspiracy theory concerns the war on your wallet and how you spend your hard-earned cash. This is about all your payments being controlled and monitored through electronic transactions, making tracking your every move and location easier.

Every dollar in the globe will be accounted for, so say goodbye to the freedom and privacy that having cash offers.

Must-watch video:

The Atlantis Report gives details into what they think will happen with a cashless society:

#3. The deadly 5G connection

While we’re at home playing Monopoly, are they putting up deadly 5G towers around the world?

Some people are saying this. However, the promotion of 5G isn’t something new, and surely, they don’t need a colossal distraction like the coronavirus to usher it in. Or do they?

Truth seekers aren’t saying that 5G itself caused the virus but that the damaging frequencies that 5G radiates will cause many harmful health conditions, including cancer. In return, immune systems will weaken and be more prone to suffering from the coronavirus (and other viruses) if they are around these toxic radiations. (This will particularly affect people with pre-existing compromised immune systems and senior citizens.)

China launched 5G in all its major cities on November 1st, 2019, while 5G has been trialled in five Italian cities since 2017. Could this be why so many people have been affected by the virus in these areas?

This 5G conspiracy theory is the most popular on this list, and it’s easy to see why after watching the videos below.

Must-watch videos:

Barrie Tower goes into detail about the effects of 5G and wifi.

#4. Deceiving death toll information

Are there false claims and death certificates of patients dying from coronavirus when, in actual fact, they died from another pre-existing health problem? Are hospitals receiving thousands of dollars for a death certificate that has Covid-19 as the cause?

Below are some screenshots of people speaking out about this theory.




#5. Mandatory vaccines for everyone!

Is the coronavirus a man-made epidemic designed to force humanity to get a worse vaccination than the disease itself?  Could this be a method for Bill Gates to depopulate the world with a mandatory vaccine he wants?

Dr Shiva Ayyadurai predicts in a video below that if vaccines do become mandatory, people will lose all their rights, including their driver’s licenses. At the same time, the Big Pharma companies make trillions of dollars off those who do get the vaccine.

Dr.Shiva also goes on to say that they are compromising people’s health all over the world by feeding us shit food, so our immune system is low, then they will give us a “solution” which is more crap in the way of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.

The videos below give more insight into this conspiracy.

Must-watch videos:

Dr Shiva Ayyadurai says that people are dying from a weak immune system and not coronavirus, and the best medicine is food:

Dr Bruce Lipton says the best medicine should be taken through the mouth and not through vaccines:

#6. Coronavirus predictions

Below are some interesting speculations and conspiracies about predictions of coronavirus:

#7. Coronavirus is a part of the New World Order Agenda

And now we wrap up these coronavirus conspiracies with the theory that could encompass all of the above. It’s the NEW WORLD ORDER.

The NWO is known to be a group of powerful elites (some call it the Illuminati) that want to control the world through a one-world government.

One way this elite group controls the world is by creating chaos out of fear while introducing a problem, reaction, and solution (sometimes known as false flag events).

Could the coronavirus be that very formula? Introduce a problem (a virus) create fear, then introduce solutions that align with their agenda through vaccines, a cashless society, and self-quarantines that people will end up begging for?

One of the most effective ways the elite control the public is through fear and mind control via the media, and whoever controls the media controls the minds.

The mainstream media, along with social media like Facebook, are strongly suppressing “coronavirus conspiracies” that speak out against the dangers of vaccines and 5G. Brian Rose from London Real’s famous interview with David Icke was heavily censored and banned from the internet. If David Icke’s information wasn’t a threat, then why take it down?

Watch the below videos on how the media can control what we think:

Choose love over fear

Is this epidemic (or some would say planned-demic) an excuse to roll in a digital, cashless society? A new society where social distancing is the new norm, people are scared to hug their Grandma, vaccines are not a choice and new laws are enforced and controlled with little input by you?

Only time will tell, but regardless of what you or I believe, the videos throughout this article clearly show that there is a silent war on our minds and immune systems.  The true currency right now is our health.

Fear, stress, junk food, drugs, and toxic radiation will only keep our immune system down, so there’s no better time to fight back than choosing love over fear and getting your immune system to its ultimate condition.

With so much division going on, it can be frightening to question the current almighty narrative, especially when it seems you are the minority. But it’s time to challenge what you see in mainstream media and discern for yourself what is fact from fiction.

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