The human body is undoubtedly the most fascinating and intelligent thing on earth. Almost 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. The average body is also made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms!
The human body allows us to experience intangible senses like taste, smell, and sight- as well as giving us the ability to feel all kinds of emotions like sadness, anger, and love.
As human beings, we also experience life on an extraordinary physical level that allows us to build, create and well…get physical!
The human body truly is a mysterious wonder, and in this article, we aim to point out 12 interesting and funny facts about the human body that you didn’t know about!
#1. You Can’t Tickle Yourself
Just envisioning someone trying to hit their own funny spot with a little self tickle is enough to make me LOL. But why can’t we tickle ourselves? When you attempt to tickle yourself, the brain automatically anticipates this contact from the hands and blatantly see’s it coming. Therefore the body won’t respond the same as it would if someone else were to tickle us.
#2. Your Farts Can Be Highly Flammable
Farts are made up of different gases including nitrogen, hydrogen, and methane, which are all flammable! But don’t worry, you won’t blow up or be skyrocketed to the other side of the room – but to be on the safe side, you might want to think twice before lighting your farts on fire. ( Who does that!)
RELEVANT: Funny Ways To Cover Up Your Farts
#3. Human’s Ears and Nose Never Stop Growing
Have you ever woken up past the age of 60 years wondering why you look like the brainchild of Pinocchio and Dumbo? In this case, it is true that our ears and nose do become bigger as we age, but this is due to gravity, which will eventually drop as we age. While the ears and nose keep “growing”, the eyes will remain the same size since birth.
#4. You Are 1 cm Taller In The Morning
Apparently, we are 1 cm taller in the morning compared to the evening. But how? This is due to gravity compressing the vertebrae in our backs as well as our knees and other areas. Throughout the day the cartilage in these areas will slowly compress. But when you go to sleep, the cartilage goes back to normal.
#5. Teeth Are The Only Part Of The Human Body Which Cannot Heal Themselves
Why can’t our teeth heal themselves? Teeth lack the right cells which make it hard for teeth to repair themselves, as it’s the cells in our body that play a big part in the healing process. Moral of the story-look after those teeth!
Additional Facts:
- Your mouth produces over 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime—that’s enough to fill two swimming pools.
- No two people have the same set of teeth
- Teeth start to form in the womb.
#6. During Sex Your Pain Threshold Is Higher
Alright, team, it’s time to get the whips and chains out! 😉 According to various studies and a report on thetalko.com as you get aroused your pain threshold is heightened and becomes even higher as you get towards the finale! Sex is also recommended as a natural painkiller for migraines. So if you’re always excusing yourself from sex because you have a “headache”, uh, well perhaps come up with a different excuse. 😉
Additional (Sexy) Facts:
- The largest penis is 13.5 inches long
- A “micropenis” is smaller than 2.8 inches
- The average sex session lasts for around 100-500 thrusts! (lol!!!)
- About 290 million sperm mature every day in a normal male adult.
- Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
#7. Fingernails Grow Four Times Faster Than Your Toenails.
fingernails grow at a rate of about 3.5 millimetres per month and toenails grow about 1.6 mm per month on average. This is due to the different types of cells in our body that grow at different rates. This can also be influenced by our genes to what diet and exercise we partake in.
Oh, and the fasted growing nail is on the middle finger!
#8. The Average Adult Produces Around 6 Cups Of Urine A Day
Urine is 95% water while the other 5% is made up of hormones, salts, nutrients, and creatine. The bladder can hold up to 2.5 cups of urine for up to two to five hours. You’ll usually start to feel the urge to pee when your bladder has about a cup full, which is when you should go to the toilet as holding your urine for too long can weaken the bladder muscles over time.
#9. The Average Boob Weighs Around 1kg (between one and two pounds)
This will vary for each woman-but according to the Guinness Book of World Records, the woman with the largest natural breasts in the world wears a size 52I bra. And they weigh almost 45 kgs! (nearly 100 pounds).
Additional Facts:
- Staring at boobs for a minute a day can extend a man’s life by five years. (pretty sure this is a fantasy that was made up by a man!) 😉
- Men have nipples because all fetuses start out as females. (In the first six weeks of life, there is no difference between the male and female embryo).
- Hungry men like bigger breasts, while a study found that men who like large breasts are more likely to be financially insecure.
#10. You Were Nothing “butt” An Arsehole!
OK, before you start thinking I’m calling you an arsehole…hear me out. 🙂
Have you ever wondered which body part first emerged from a fertilized egg? Probably not right? After the sperm breaks through the egg’s outer membrane the embryo splits into different cells, that eventually become a blastula. (basically a hollow ball of cells) The blastula cells blast open from the inside out, forming an opening called the blastopore, which will then develop into an anus! Wow, just wow.
#11. When You Blush Your Stomach Does As Well
Have you ever felt so embarrassed or have blushed so hard over a crush that it makes your cheeks turn red? Well not only do your cheeks turn red but the lining in your stomach does as well! Blushing from embarrassment is activated through the sympathetic nervous system.
When you’re embarrassed, your body releases adrenaline which causes the blood vessels in your face and stomach lining to dilate which consequently improves the blood flow and oxygen delivery. This my friends are where we get that good old red flushed look!
#12. Muscle Tissue Is Three Times More Effective At Burning Calories Than Fat
So you want to get rid of some unwanted body fat? If so, it may be time to pick up those weights! According to webmd.com, 10 pounds of muscle (4.5 kg) can burn 50 calories in a day spent at rest, while 10 pounds of fat would burn 20 calories.
Thanks for reading the 12 interesting and funny facts about the human body. Share these funny facts about the human body or tell us your funny facts below!

Emmy is the founder and content writer at woopdedo. With a background in the performing arts, she then had a career working on cruise ships, until she decided to return to NZ where she spends most of her time storytelling and freelance writing. You can contact her on the social media links below or visit the work with us page.