All my works own a psychological meaning based on our daily actions – Mohamed Sobeha
The artist behind this thought-provoking psychedelic art is Egyptian artist Mohamed Sobeha!
Mohamed started his artistic journey when he was 18 years old and since then has made a career out of his visually appealing illustrations. Themes of the universe are threaded throughout his works, and the planet Saturn is a recurring icon. So I asked him…
What inspires your planet Saturn themed creations!?
Mohamed: I believe it’s not about the planet Saturn itself. Of course, it was always a huge inspiration for me, even in my previous works before I started this series;l but the thing I’m more obsessed with are the basic shapes (circles, triangles etc). The whole universe is just the basic shapes of everything. All around us consists of a basic shape; for instance, the human body is just a blend between cylinders and circles and it’s just our reality.
Check out Mohamed Sobeha’s psychedelic art that will trip you out below!

Mohamed Sobeha Art

Mohamed Sobeha

Mohamed Sobeha Art

Mohamed Sobeha Art

Mohamed Sobeha Art

Mohamed Sobeha Art
To see more of this amazing psychedelic art follow the links below!
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Emmy is the founder and content writer at woopdedo. With a background in the performing arts, she then had a career working on cruise ships, until she decided to return to NZ where she spends most of her time storytelling and freelance writing. You can contact her on the social media links below or visit the work with us page.