One of the most common statements you will hear from a woman is “I’m Fine“.
Since the beginning of time, the mystery that women represent to most men has always been a topic of debate in all kinds of social circles, and regular banter. Why exactly do women seem like such delicately mysterious creatures to so many men?
Could it be simply because men do not observe women closely enough? Women are emotional creatures, and they tend to speak more with their actions and expressions than they do with words. It gets confusing for a lot of men when they see their women acting irritable, disconcerted or just outright rude. And when they try to inquire exactly what’s wrong, they get that two-word-fits-all answer: “I’m fine!”.
Of course, the discerning man would understand that something is wrong with his lady at that point in time. However, most women just don’t budge after saying they’re fine. They just keep on acting weird or distant. So, what might a woman mean when she says she is fine?
To know what women really mean when they say they are fine, keep on reading this article:
#1. She Might Be Angry
When a lot of women are angry, and their rage has not passed, they may find it difficult to express their feelings or explain exactly what pissed them off in the first place because they are either too angry to explain, or simply because they don’t want to explain because their reason for being angry in the first place might seem pathetic.
Perhaps, her boss at work treated her unfairly or you forgot to put the washing out like you said you would. So instead of communicating all this, she simply hisses around the house expecting you to know what’s wrong.
When you ask her what’s wrong with her, she snaps: “I’m fine!” (She’s not fine, she’s freaking angry!). The knotty part of this situation is how you are going to figure out exactly what made her angry so that you can help her get out of this mood, so you can stop walking around on eggshells.
The worst thing you can do in this situation is to be extremely happy. I know this may sound strange but the happier and more carefree you are at this moment in time, the more irritable she will get.
Most times, one of the most effective methods through which you can get through this is to sit by her, despite her rage and try to comfort her. Most angry women do not want to be talked to rashly or even helped to find a solution to their problem (as weird as that sounds). They just want to be sympathized with, comforted and to simply know that you know she’s in a bad mood! So don’t skip around the house happy as larry ignoring her, get her a cup of tea, some chocolates, or anything you know she loves! Stare into her eyes, and tell her you “understand”. (even if you don’t.)
#2. She’s Tired
Another meaning you can read into what women really mean when they say they are fine is because they are probably tired.
As I mentioned earlier, women may be chatty and maybe even annoyingly talkative at times, but when it comes to some issues, they expect you to read their body language. When she’s completely worn out and simply doesn’t want to communicate with anyone, you might not be able to force a meaningful conversation out of her. Therefore, just try all you can at that moment to help her relax. Pour her a drink, let her relax on the couch, and offer to help her with some little things. She would appreciate it more than you can imagine.
#3. She Doesn’t Want To Argue
Sometimes, men unknowingly act like assholes and do not apologize, thereby pissing their woman off. Your lady might have been tired of explaining the reason behind her anger to you over and over. For some reason, she just might not want to argue a point further with you, and she just accepts your position on an argument and says: “fine.”
No matter what you do at this point, she probably won’t take that argument further, because that four-letter-word means she is done, and that conversation is over!
The best thing to do here is just let her be. Take one step back, and she might take one step forward. Later, at a more convenient time, then you can talk about that argument, and both find common ground.
#4. She’s Hungry
As funny it may sound, what women really mean when they say they’re fine is probably because they are hungry. Hunger is one of the biggest causes of grumpiness in women. Just get her a pizza and all would be hunky-dory again. However, she won’t tell you she’s hungry, she’ll just tell you she’s fine. Food solves a lot of problems so if in doubt, for God sakes get the woman a PIZZA!!! (You’ll thank me later).
#5. She Wants To Be Comforted
Sometimes, women might just be sad or in pain about something they find hard to communicate. This may be because she’s got her period and experiencing debilitating mood swings, or she might be battling some emotional issue or is under stress.
From time to time, a woman needs some pampering. Rub her back, see a funny movie with her, and reassure her of your love and support. This will make her see you as a partner in progress and help her get over her bad mood.
Finally, the more you communicate with your woman, and take note of her body language the more you’ll understand her weird ways and unspoken words. Women can be complicated creatures, so good luck with unraveling the mysterious words of what women really mean when they say they’re fine.:)
What do you really mean when you say “you’re fine?”. Comment below and share on social media!

Emmy is the founder and content writer at woopdedo. With a background in the performing arts, she then had a career working on cruise ships, until she decided to return to NZ where she spends most of her time storytelling and freelance writing. You can contact her on the social media links below or visit the work with us page.